La venganza de Jairo
Genre: Documental / Terror
Year: 2019
Country: Colombia / México
Simón Hernandez
Ivette Liang, Simón Hernández, Nicolás Ordóñez
Production company:
Producciones La Popular, Cinema226, Autoridad Nacional de Televisión [ANTV], Galaxia 311

Jairo's revenge

Jairo José Pinilla Téllez is known as the father of horror and science fiction in Colombia, directing films such as 27 Horas con la Muerte and Funeral Siniestro, which became iconic and were box office successes in the 70s and 80s. He was the first to introduce special effects in a Colombian film, and now, at over 70 years old, he is determined to complete his latest project: his first 3D film.

