Genre: Comedia negra
Year: 2020
Country: Colombia
Carlos Moreno
Diego F. Ramirez
Production company:
64-A Films / Leyenda Cine


The things of the bandits get sorted out like this.

Don Óscar is being searched for by his wife, the police, and Duberney. Yoiner is obsessed with recovering his motorcycle and finds a bag full of dollars. Claudia Patricia is pregnant... but not by her husband. Freddy is sent by El Patrón to get the money, which, honestly, has already been lost. Milton is looking for Duberney to deliver the Boss. Bobolitro just wants to cuddle with Nancy. Bermúdez and Gamboa discuss the care for treating hemorrhoids. Everyone is in trouble and they’ll try to get out of it in the most absurd way possible.

